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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Luz

Quarentine update

Staying indoors isn't as bad anymore. I feel as if I have adapted to my new situation. I am now self-educating myself on finance and how to live a successful life. Finishing school online is also a priority and I don't want to fail all because of a few assignments that I didn't do. Overall Quarantine is now my new normal and I am very productive. I have been listening to an audiobook on audible. The book is called Rich dad, Poor Dad written by Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki is a very wise man and learning from him is something that I am finding myself doing often. A tip for tine is: Stay someone who is struggling with quarantine is: Stay Positive, take breaks, stay hydrated, focus on something that will make you happy in the long-run, and enjoy the process.

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